Saturday, 13 September 2014

Nov 28

Looking through my posts and realise I have not been blogging for a very long time. Even my blogskin is screwed up. anybody knows how remove the drop down icon? the one that has de class/magazine/blabla

Realising how I used to say me meeting my friends often, but nowdays its getting lesser and lesser. Not for all, but some.
Not that I can do anything, or that I will blame anything. But just cause everyone is too busy with their own things.

One week now seems to fly damn fast, and submissions is approaching.
But yet, meeting people every week seems like meeting after damn long
idk why also. maybe coz life sucks

Been trying to exercise but as usual, i stopped after a few weeks.
why? no perseverance, no motivation
however, i still swim every sunday okay! 
healthy or what. woohoo!

but of course i eat more than i exercise.
Its almost 5am now and im too lazy to post the pictures
maybe tomorrow, or even later :)
stay tune.
but i know nobody comes here anyway la. 
HAHAHA who am i kidding to stay tune.

Sleeping and sleeping yet im so tired
no motivation to do work
feel panic but my body just dw to move. 
how? u tell me how
shall sleep soon without doing any work again.

Here's a word of the day for you
LYPOPHRENIA - a vague feeling of sorrow or sadness seemingly without any apparent cause or source

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